Our flock of free range, heirloom breed Chickens is well on its way to becoming a growing concern.
We started the flock in 2012 by selecting pure breeds of heirloom (heritage) Chickens that we thought would do well on our land. We chose breeds for camouflage, broodiness, ability to lay all year long and vigour, then let nature take its course.
By the Winter of 2014 our first "hatched here" generation of Chicks had grown to adult Birds, an amazingly beautiful and healthy, productive little flock.
These days the offspring of those origional Birds, with the addition of new Roosters for fresh genes along the way, has turned into a highly variable and prolific, healthy concern. We now manage the flock by working hard to keep numbers down. Also, we have found that the older Birds, especially the ones who were raised here "know the ropes" and are expert foragers with a good sense of survival.